Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# situation (c) Ian Dennis Miller

import json
from . import Person, Acquaintance, Group, Place, Item, Event, Excerpt, Resource

[docs]def dump(): """ Build a dictionary containing the entire Situation. :returns: a Dict with the situation as nested Dictionaries. """ "save all the people and everything else" return({ "persons": [p.dump() for p in Person.query.order_by(], "acquaintances": [a.dump() for a in Acquaintance.query.order_by(Acquaintance.person_id, Acquaintance.acquainted_id).all()], "groups": [g.dump() for g in Group.query.order_by(], "places": [p.dump() for p in Place.query.order_by(], "items": [i.dump() for i in Item.query.order_by(], "events": [e.dump() for e in Event.query.order_by(], # "details": [d.dump() for d in Detail.query.order_by(], "excerpts": [e.dump() for e in Excerpt.query.order_by(], "resources": [r.dump() for r in Resource.query.order_by(], })
[docs]def save(filename): """ Write the Situation to a JSON file. :param str filename: the name of the file to output to. """ with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(dump(), f, indent=True, sort_keys=True)
[docs]def build_events_dot(): """ Create a DOT graph from the Situation Events. :returns: str with a valid DOT representation of actors, events, and locations """ buf = 'digraph G {\nranksep="1.0 equally";\nconcentrate=true;\nlandscape=false;\n' for event in Event.query.all(): for actor in event.actors: buf += '"{0}" -> "{1}" [label="{2}"];\n'.format(,, "") if buf += '"{0}" -> "{1}" [label="at"];\n'.format(,, "") buf += '}' return(buf)
[docs]def save_events_dot(filename): """ Write the Events as a Dot file. :param str filename: the name of the file to output to. """ buf = build_events_dot() with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(buf)